When starting with ad optimization consulting I also applied for some jobs on different international freelancer platforms. Even though I get enough clients through my own sites now, I still find some interesting projects there as well.
However, I also get invited to projects where I can only kindly decline, but I am wondering that there are freelancers who think they can actually make some money with these jobs. Maybe you can shed some light on this matter und help me to understand.

Please note: even though, most of the following job ads are from the job platform I consider to be one of the better once, you can find similar – or even worse – ads on other platforms as well. The ones cited here are just standing for a type of offers, not for the quality of a specific platform.
It is completely up to you to laugh, to cry or to curse me because I picked your job posting. I kindly invite you to comment below.
If there is something funny to find in these ads it is not the budget. It is the imagination that someone is able to build websites that pay for themselves within a month and is not doing it for himself, but for funny budgets.
I need an adsense website that makes at least $10 per day
- Budget: less than $500
- Applicants: 6
- Proposed Budget: $164 – $500
How about this one? Sounds like a reasonable aim, right?
Hey freelancers,
I want an adsense website that can make at least $10 per day in profits. contact me with some sample website . and explain me your strategy.
OK, I was already afraid I had to actually build a website for $500 including programing, SEO and content, but it looks like the creator of this job post just wants to get the ideas from my application to later implement them himself. Maybe I am wrong and this is not the intention of the potential client, but unfortunately this seems to happen a lot.
Adsense Website – Earning of $10 to $20 per day
- Budget: less than $500
- Applicants: 2
- Proposed Budget: $55 – $110
No introduction, just read the job post first:
I’m looking for someone who can build me a website (can use wordpress as a blogging platform if you want) that will generates AT LEAST 12$/day with Google Adsense.
So make sure it won’t last only a month…No black hat or anything like that. 100% real traffic. Nothing against Adsense terms.
**I will only release the first milestone once I get at least 14$/day with adsense for a week. Then, I will release it.**
Please enter the numbers of days you will need to make this happen in your bid description (to avoid already made message and to make sure you read this post correctly)
Did you find my jaw, because I dropped it. Let me point you back to the budget the applicants set. It is at most the amount of income that could be generated with the site in just one week. No doubt, their English must be much worse than mine.
$20-30 Google AdSense Daily Earning
- Budget: less than $500
- Applicants: 4
- Proposed Budget: $164
This one is a lot easier for all those willing freelancer out there, promised!
I have a WordPress Blog it’s 5 months old. The site looks very nice, works perfectly . I’m not getting enough traffic. That is why I’m looking for a real Google AdSense expert to make my site earn at least $20-30 daily for the period of at least 6 months.
I don’t care what exactly you’re planning to do until your actions and techniques are accepted by Google Terms and Service and there is not any problem with my Google AdSense account.
See the tricky part here? AdSense is not about getting traffic, it is about monetizing it. If the potential client at least wrote about the amount of traffic he already has, freelancers could see if his hopes where realistic.
Btw, almost every day I see job posts that ask for an AdSense specialist that places ads in Google search or the AdWords display network. They simply confuse AdSense with AdWords. I don’t blame anyone for this. I currently consider to write an article about the clear line between these two Google services and how they are connected.
Regarding this job ad – did I mention this blog that needs more traffic is about SEO?
Adsense websites earning minimum $20/$100 per day
You think I am not able to top the last three ads? Well, please compare the following two jobs:
My website is (link removed) with google adsense account.
My website to be earn daily $10-$30 USD From Google AdSense.
I will pay 75% of my first cheque received from google adsense.
My website is (link removed) with google adsense account.
My website to earn daily above $100usd From Google AdSense.
1. Budget is $500
2. Milestone payment to be add after earning $100 per day
3. Payment will be release after constant earning $100 per day (after one week)
You probably noticed that both ads where posted by the same guy. They even refer to the same url and where published just few days appart.
No argument here about not knowing which approach is better: start small and pay a commission or aim for the higher goal and pay a fixed price. But still, in both cases working in a Chinese factory seems more appealing.
Build a blog about Financial ($50)
- Budget: $50
Building a blog in the financial sector that is driving traffic is a guarantee to make some nice payments from AdSense, but if you already know the potential, wouldn’t you be willing to pay a bit more to be sure it really works?
Looking for someone that can help me build a website/blog about finance. My plan is to submit that blog to adsense and if approve by adsense I might hire people to write about financial. And then SEO expert. I am willing to pay to anyone who can do the job.
Great, that in his last sentence he is even considering to pay for the work done.
Interested in such jobs? Apply here!
I know a lot about ad optimization – at least enough to know that there is still enough to learn. I even believe that there are ways to easily set up blogs that generate a lot of income on auto pilot. If you know the secret then I don’t even want to know, but have no problem paying you double of what you earn on these outsorcing platforms to just build me some sites. Just write me an email 🙂
Or let me find out the secret for you
For all the others who – like me – know that building a website is also hard work I also have an offer. All of the job posts have some applicants. I am now more than willing to find out how it looks from the buyers perspective. Let me go underground for you and find out.
Would you like me to create multiple job ads to find people who offer incredibly much value for almost no costs and share my communication – and hopefully their secrets – with you? Just drop me a comment on how a potential job ad might look like.
When you just thought that people’s craziness has reached its bottom..you suddenly discover that there’s still a huge underground garage..
I think job post for a Designer instead of SEO expert, who can draw a $300 bill once a month would have the same success! 😀
Thank you Thomas for sharing!
I believe there would be some applicants for the design job too 🙂
Can you convert my self hosted wordpress AdSense site into Revenue Sharing Adsense Host API site. Domain at webquestionanswers.com